Personalised shipping bags

Personalised shipping bags are an excellent way to add a touch of branding and professionalism to your packaging while ensuring that your products reach your customers in style. Whether you're a small business or an established company, shipping bags customised with your logo, brand colours, or unique design offer a memorable unboxing experience for your customers. These bags not only protect the items inside but also serve as a marketing tool, increasing brand recognition and leaving a lasting impression. At Loopper, we understand that not every business requires large bulk orders, which is why we offer the option to order personalised shipping bags in small quantities. You can start with as few as 10 pieces, making it perfect for businesses just starting out or for special promotions and events where you need a smaller stock. This flexibility allows you to test designs, experiment with seasonal or limited-edition packaging, and avoid the hassle of managing excess inventory.

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Shopping bag | Customisable pattern | RPET | Print included
Shopping bag | Customisable pattern | RPET | Print included
from 50 pieces
Wednesday 30 October 2024
8,90 per piece
All-in for 250 pieces
Ordered today, delivered in 15 workdays

Custom shipping bags

As a company, you want to radiate professionalism. A professional image ensures that you attract potential customers more easily and that existing customers will remain customers for a longer time. Packaging is an important part of this image. If you use custom shipping bags, your customers will be more likely to recognise that they are dealing with a professional, experienced business.

Branded shipping bags

If you prefer to have a more sophisticated printing on your packaging, you can choose to order branded shipping bags. For example, you can take a picture of your bestselling dish and let us print it on the bag. This way, you can easily show all your customers which dish you are most proud of. Hopefully next time they will order this dish too!

Printed shipping bags

When you use Loopper's printed shipping bags to send your customers' purchases, we can guarantee that your products are packed safely. Since we only use high-quality bags and packaging, and if you use a good courier, you won't have to worry about your items getting to your customers safely. We can be sure of this because we have been working with the same suppliers and printers for over 22 years.

Shipping bags with logo

Shipping bags with logo are an ideal way for web shops to generate extra publicity offline without having to incur high costs. Since they're all made of sturdy materials, the products you send are not only well packed, but are also advertising your company at the same time. This is due to your logo or name being visible on the bag. Your customers are more likely to recognise their order, remember it longer and probably order from you again in the future!

Wholesale shipping bags

Would you like to order as many shipping bags as possible, at the lowest possible price? Then order wholesale shipping bags from Loopper. Since you're buying them in bulk, we can guarantee you the lowest price. This way, you can keep your costs down and increase your profitability as an entrepreneur!

Promotional shipping bags

Are you a restaurant owner and does your business largely depend on delivery? Then make sure that your delivery packaging is in good order. Get promotional shipping bags from Loopper. You choose a bag that you like that fits the size of your products, and then have us print your logo or text on it. It's a fun and original way of wishing your customers a tasty meal!

¿Cuál es la cantidad mínima de pedido para las bolsas de envío personalizadas?
En Loopper, puedes pedir bolsas de envío personalizadas a partir de solo 50 piezas. Esto es ideal para empresas que necesitan cantidades pequeñas o medianas, sin necesidad de hacer pedidos en grandes volúmenes.

¿Qué tipo de personalización puedo hacer en las bolsas de envío?
Puedes personalizar tus bolsas de envío con tu logo, eslogan, imágenes o cualquier diseño que se ajuste a tu marca. Ofrecemos varias técnicas de impresión como serigrafía y transferencias térmicas para garantizar un acabado de alta calidad.

¿Qué materiales están disponibles para las bolsas de envío personalizadas?
Ofrecemos bolsas de envío hechas de materiales como polietileno, que son resistentes y duraderos, así como opciones ecológicas como materiales reciclados o biodegradables para empresas comprometidas con la sostenibilidad.

¿Las bolsas de envío personalizadas son impermeables?
Sí, la mayoría de nuestras bolsas de envío están diseñadas para ser resistentes al agua, lo que protege los productos en su interior durante el proceso de envío.